Huge thanks goes out to all who participated this year! A huge thanks to Mama, for all her hard work and efforts put in to make this happen this year, despite the blizzard and exhaustion. ;)
Aaron, Rachel, Kennedy, Kaleb, & Stacey, all of you were so helpful to us on Halloween night, and kids, you are the most amazing little haunters.
Our wonderful new neighbors, who were extremely supportive of our freaky yard this year. Jamie, Jenny, Bridget and CJ: Fraz and Jan: Jimmy, Corrine, Jalayah, Kiaya & Isaiah: Evelyn & Darryl. We couldn't have done it without all your love & support.
Thanks to our lovely BrewMaster neighbors, who were kind enough to bring us a wonderful bottle of their home-brewed Pumpkin Spice Ale - the most amazing beer we have ever tasted! And to Jane and Andrew for the fantastic Pumpkin Bread!
An extra special thanks to this year's inspiration for our 'Homage to Rot' themed haunt, Pumpkinrot & Bean. No one will
ever achieve it like the two of you. :)
And last but certainly not least, to all of the near 600 visitors who took the time to wander our haunted yard on Halloween night. You are what makes all of this worth it. We thank you for a hugely successful evening!
Here are a few photos from this year's display. Video soon to come. Factory galleries will also be updated this week.
Happy Halloween and Many Thanks!!
-The Roses